1N PR0GR355 is a group blog/online zine project based in perth.
We plan to have a new release every month, with content such as: art, poetry, music, relevant news, and more!
("more" is whatever we want to post that we think is cool)
Each release will have its own page and they will all be linked in the "releases" page, and the newest release will be linked on the homepage.
The "gallery" page will have all the images on the site, and links to articles, all in the order they were posted in, and the only text will be who the image was by.
CONTACT US!! 1n.pr0gr355email@gmail.com
There is no set "team" of people that create content, and anyone can send us anything they create at our email.
In your email please include what the email is in the subject (Question, Article, art, peom, ect.) and the name that you go by.
If you want to you can also include any links where people can see more of your work, and any other info about you or what you're sending!