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hellokitty earth home

Welcome to the first release of 1N PR0GR355 The first of many more. This is the first release so here's a little background info.

1N PR0GR355 is a group blog/online zine project based in Perth, we post art, poems, music, news, adn articles. All created by people for people

There is no set "team" of people that create content, and anyone can send us anything they create at our email
check out the AB0UT. page for more info on that

In this release our main item is an article about the opiod crisis, writeen by L3V1.
Information about this sort of thing IS important and can help people stay safe, the article is linked H3R3.

Our releases can have anything, from peoms to articles to art. These next things are art.

This is an image by Z3D, created on ibis paint. PURPL3
"It isnt really anything i just thought this looked cool" --Z3D

Staying on the topic of art created on an iPad,
Here are some images created by GR4C3, using Procreate
'ur in my forever'


The next two images were created by Z3D, using a program called Bryce3D. An old 3D softaware. bryce1


"Because the software is so old it can take a while to render so Bryce1 took like 3 hours to render just because i added so many lights" --Z3D

That brings us to the end of the first release, future releases will be longer but this should give you a taste of what is to come.

Click on the campfire to go back to the homepage. home

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